About the Club
The Boston Terrier Club Inc
Affiliated to Dogs NZ (formerly known as the New Zealand Kennel Club)
The Boston Terrier Club Inc was founded in 1973 and became incorporated in 1995. Up to 1973 a dedicated group of Boston owners met on a regular informal basis to promote the Boston Terrier. A newsletter was produced which in 1974 formally became the club magazine The Chit Chat which is produced quarterly and is eagerly awaited by club members.
The club membership stands at 79 with 10 members from overseas.
The Club holds a Championship Show every two years. Judges for the show are usually from overseas and though this is a major expense for the club fund raising has always meant a show comes out debt free.
Every February a Fun Day is held in Christchurch in the South Island and this has become a major event with members travelling hundreds of kilometres to attend to enjoy the comradeship of the club and the fun of being with perhaps 17-20 other Boston Terriers.